Last modified: June 18, 2013Stories That Need To Be Told.
The range of filming that Anders Tomlinson did along the Central California – Oregon border captures a region that is rich in history, wildlife, settlers, farming and water issues. Today, farming in the Klamath Reclamation Project is subject to water cutoffs. Since 2003, various stake-holders have been trying to find compromises amongst each other that would allow them to maintain their lifestyles. The following clips share some of these moments.
A 90 minute film is an assemblage of 90 one minutes scenes, this is the art of movie making.
The following video clips are short sequences, or scenes, that will be stitched together by narration to create longer projects: 24, 45, and 90 minute films. As the sequences – scenes are finished they will be posted here for review.
Tour of the Klamath River Watershed – The Big Picture.
We have heard so much about the Klamath Basin Crisis. There is no Klamath Basin. There is the Klamath River Watershed which comprises 10 to 12.5 million acres. It is made up of 13 watershed sub basins. It spreads across 2 states and 7 large counties. There are 7 national forests, 9 wilderness areas and 8 rivers in the overall watershed. 3 converging tectonic plates shape the watershed’s physiography. Enjoy the journey.
Harry Carlson looks at the Tulelake farmer.
Dr. Harry Carlson is the retired director of the Intermountain Research Extension Station, University of California, in Tulelake. Anders filmed Harry over the course of eight years. Here are some of Harry’s thoughts about the Tulelake farmer and the world that they deal with.
Dr. Ken Rykbost on Water Issues
Dr. Ken Rykbost, retired Superintendent of Oregon State University Klamath Experiment Station in Klamath Falls, talks about governmental public policy consequences, a little water history of Upper Klamath Lake and the will and creativity of farmers to survive. We all need to eat.
A Dark Day in The Klamath Reclamation Project
The Tractor Rally was held March 9, 2001 outside the Bureau of Reclamation’s offices near the Klamath Falls, OR airport. Hundreds of farmers and supporters had gathered for speakers and a parade of tractors, mobile farm equipment and support vehicles. The mode was hope, anger, shock, disbelief and fear. John Crawford, a Tulelake farmer, spoke at length on what may be coming. He predicted that there wasn’t enough water to satisfy the federal requirements for coho salmon and the Upper Klamath Lake sucker fish, let alone agriculture. His words echoed in my head as I videotaped the long somber procession of trucks and tractors that left the meeting and headed to Klamath Falls. A documentary had begun. This documentary’s last interview was with John Crawford in a Tulelake CA potato shed, August 2008.
Filmed and edited by Anders Tomlinson. Music by Denver Clay.
2001 at the A Canal Headgates
Dave Solem, manager of the Klamath Irrigation District, is at the “A” Canal headgate and fish screen in 2008 reflecting on what occurred at the original headgates in 2001. Here, for the first time in 97 years of operation, the Klamath Reclamation Project was denied water deliveries. Dave Solem is now manager of the South Columbia Basin Irrigation District in Pasco, Washington. Filmed and edited by Anders Tomlinson.
What is the Payoff?
Dave Solem reflects on modern times at the rebuilt multi-million dollar “A” Canal headgates and fish screen. He makes the point that this construction project needs to pay off in some manner. How, and when, is unsure. Solem also looks back at 2001 and the media who came and left as did Federal managers and environmentalists. He states it is farmers and tribes that have to deal with these issues on a daily basis. Filmed and edited by Anders Tomlinson. Piano by Denver Clay.
More than A Potato Farmer
John Crawford, Klamath Project irrigator, Tule Lake irrigator and potato farmer shares his thoughts on what can happen when bureaucrats interpert the Endangered Species Act. He also states that we need to stop paving over farmland, too much is being lost everyday, “don’t bite the hand that feeds you.”Filmed and edited by Anders Tomlinson. Music by Denver Clay.
Growing up in Tulelake, California
Mary Palmer, daughter of a Klamath Reclamation Project’s World War II homesteader, shares her childhood memories of growing up in Tulelake. Life today, is much the same. The biggest difference is the water issues that now confront farmers and citizens in the Upper Klamath Basin.
Generation after generation raises our food and fiber.
A delightful ditty by Robert Ganey singing about living in the fields of America. Video shot in the farm land and Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge surrounding Tulelake, California.
We begin with a speech by Steve Thompson at the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge Centennial Celebration on August 8, 2008. Steve had just retired as U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Region Eight Manager – California and Nevada. He has been intimately involved with the water issues confronting the Klamath Reclamation Project. On this day, high winds were ripping across the basin. Digital audio repairs allow Steve’s speech to be shared with a minimum of wind and flag flapping distractions. Anders apologizes for the audio quality but the speaker’s intent is important.
A note: Steve speaks of certainty, but not sitting at the table, and unwilling to compromise, are the Endangered Species Act and Court systems. Ultimately, these two super-cede and dictate directions society must follow. In 2010, a dry year has curtailed, and will most likely reduce, water deliveries to the Klamath Irrigation Project. This also means Tule Lake and Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuges will have less water delivered.
A balance is tipped and human ingenuity is at a premium.
For twelve thousands years man has been watching hunting wildlife here.
Overview and quick history of the landscape, wildlife and people that make the Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuges what it is, a natural wonder of diversity.
One Wildlife Complex – Six Refuges: Abundance and Diversity.
The Klamath Basin National Wildlife Complex is made of six refuges: Lower Klamath, Tule Lake, Clear Lake, Upper Klamath, Klamath Marsh and Bear Valley National Wildlife Refuges.
These are wonderful places for all.
In any season enjoy nature’s interplay in a majestic landscape.
A Year in the LIfe of the Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuges. The six refuges span the Upper Klamath Basin from Klamath Marsh, east of Crater Lake National Park, to Tule Lake and Lower Klamath, north of the Lava Beds National Monument.
Managing resources to enhance wildlife and agricultural production.
Managing natural resources in the Klamath Basin National Wildlife Complex is a challenging inside its complexity. One feature is the Walking Wetlands program that rotates land from wetlands to farm fields on and off the Refuges.
Bob Ganey American Tourist pauses at the foot of Pelican Butte and discusses a proposed ski resort. The controversial issue was supported by Klamath Falls largest company and most of the business community. Eventually the U.S. Forest Service would deny the project. The major backer, willing to spend $3,000,000 on the failed attempt, suffered an economic downturn in the late 2000’s and was sold to a Canadian company. Yes – there can be trouble in paradise. Bob notes that this April 2001 was one of the warmest springs in memory – no snow on the ground. He also shares information on Upper Klamath Lake.
Bob Ganey American Tourist stops off in Rocky Point, Oregon along his tour of the Volcanic Legacy All-American road. He is greeted by Captain Bill Cadman who takes Bob on an enjoyable Upper Klamath National Wildlife Refuge boat ride.
It is February 2001, Bob Ganey American Tourist, is headed north on scenic Highway 97. He pulls into the Oregon Visitor center just south of Klamath Falls, OR. Bob discovers a poster for Oregon’s Volcanic Legacy Scenic Byway which has since been expanded to the Volcanic Legacy All-American Road connecting Mt. Lassen in California and Crater lake in Oregon. Bob decides to take his fans on a little journey through Klamath County, Oregon.
Bob Ganey American Tourist is back on the Voilcanic Legacy All-American. This stop is a brief overview of the Lava Beds National Monument in Northern California. He is talking lava tube caves, petroglyphs, indian wars and other things.
Music includes excerpts from Bob’s songs “All-American Road” and “Restless Winds”.
Bob Ganey American Tourist is taken back by the majesty as he lays his eyes on Crater Lake for the first time. He demonstrates his reading skills with a National Park monument which graphically displays information for the visitor.
Bob Ganey American Tourist stops at a scenic pullout along Highway 62 just north of Fort Klamath, Oregon and at the foot of Crater Lake.
©2010-13 Anders Tomlinson, all rights reserved.