Chiloquin is town of 750 people 27 miles north of Klamath Falls, Oregon. It sits at the confluence of the Williamson and Sprague rivers a few miles inland from the northeast corner of Upper Klamath Lake. There are some 2,500 people in the surrounding area.
The Chiloquin paint series is made up of 24 paintings divided into two themes, Marks and People. They took shape in Fine Books And…, the best used book store between Portland and San Francisco. Richard, owner and entrepreneur, took over the building after it was the the Klamath Tribes Administration office. This is big time Indian country.
A common thread through all of the Chiloquin paintings are marks that Anders photographed on rock walls in Klamath and Modoc Counties. These were carved and painted by various tribes of people hundreds of years ago. Anders has always referred to himself as being a direct descendant of cave painters and drummers, and then he adds, but aren’t we all?
It is a hard life living off the land in the Upper Klamath Basin. Food comes and goes with the seasons and climate cycles. People came and went with the food and water.
Pressure was a key creative force in these paintings. Elements of wet paint are mono-printed onto several panels. the results are patterns that are the same as looking at Planet Earth from space.
The two paintings above, are the exception to this site, are no longer in the hands of Anders.
They demonstrate the merger of several techniques to accomplish what the viewer sees.
This is a colorful series with bold figures in landscapes of fire, water and sky.
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©2010 Anders Tomlinson, all rights reserved.