These are excerpts from an awkward interview with Anders. He reluctantly revealed background on the Lava Dogs and Dancers. He left questioning the validity of media.
Did the Dogs eat a lot?
They consumed what was available. They spent very little time preparing meals. They ate what nature provided, as nature presented it, or as they were fond of grunting, “as nature intended“.
What did they eat?
They had an excellant overview of meals from up high on their food chain perch. As late as 12,000 breeding cycles ago, there were no safe ways when it came to food handling. Food was not a pleasure, it was necessity. Worms, mammals, birds, and fish were all eaten with the same purpose- survival. At times, contaminated food killed the eater. There were no convenient coffee shops in the days of way back when.
Did Dancers receive social callers?
Lava Dancers to you! All the worlds, and all the dimensions, came calling on the Lava Dancers. any, and all, specie made it’s peace, if possible, with the Lava Dogs and Dancers. The Dogs negotiated physical safety before they would allow any interaction. The Dancers offered visitors, no matter their species, spiritual healing and vitality. And then things evolved like things are prone to do and the landscape changed as did the Lava Dancers.
How did they evolve?
12,000 breedings cycles from now, your question will provide insight on who, and what you really were. It will not be flattering. Evolution is not meant to be discussed by mortals, especially media types like yourself.
What kind of music did the dancers dance to?
Dancers didn’t dance, they be and be. They were survival spirits that made dance dance.
Did Dancers and Dogs get along?
This is a pedestrian question, that requires looking at their relationship with a needed distance. From there, in the silent winds, you can not tell a Dog from a Dancer. And do not tell me that isn’t an answer. It’s the universal answer for all unfounded questions.
What is the age of the oldest Dancer?
Lava Dancers never died they just influenced destiny until destiny took a road unchosen.
What is the age of the youngest Dancer?
Lava Dancers are not creatures. They take on shifting forms in an artistic imagination-dream. The rub is… what do forces that drive moods look like? Mull that over a couple of times. It would be easier to answer how young are jet streams-dreams? That would be easy because we don’t know.
Salvador Dali, three breeding cycles ago, said ” the one thing that is impossible to avoid is being a modern man.” Do you feel his melting message?
How did you find the first Dancer?
While visiting an used book store in Chiloquin, Oregon. It came to me in a rich-hard trance spanning two rivers and one one-hundredth of a breeding cycle. And from that point on, my life and the Lava Dogs and Dancers became intertwined, one and the same like money, greed and power.
Are the Dogs purebreds?
Ah, finally you ask about Dogs. Lava Dogs were an element of instability. It is their bones washing up in the tides. They were born. They reproduced. They aged. They died. They were clans before there were nations. Lava Dogs were representational nature. Lava Dancers were manifested spirit.
How do you see the role of both The Dogs and The Dancers?
You must be joking. The joke is on you. You are the joke. Get over the meaning of things. Get into the “it” of it.
Did they hope to be internet stars?
Hope, now there’s a concept that has had it’s day. What is an internet star? Where do all the internet stars go? I toy with you because you let me. You are the puppet and I’m the string.
If so, why?
And yet you persist. Why don’t you ask yourself “why ask why?” When you have an answer, call me, and we will carry on like it is tomorrow.
©2010 Anders Tomlinson, all rights reserved.