Prolific Creativity

Anders recommends visiting his nighttimeTechno photos and Dr. Dirt friends videos

We are what we are and Anders is who Anders is, a direct descendent of the cave painter and drummer. As he creates objects and formats he is one with all times, people and places.

Featured Painting …All the Elements are Present … completed 8-4-13.

all the elements are present, painting by anders tomlinson, 16 x 20 inches & detail, acrylics-canvas.  Photo by anders tomlinson.

We were anticipating psychic powers to rule, 16 x 20 inches, acrylics-canvas.

2011… In the paint studio, works in progressed and finished during 2011.
2010… Anders paintings finished during 2010. A year in progress and detailed review.
Anders Paints… Insight into the Anders paint process and creative journey.
Galleries… Selected collections of Anders work by groups and series.
Lava Dogs & Dancers… Stars, along with their habitat, of the Elemental film.
About… Information on Anders and coming Art Talk Talks Art films.

Mesmerize!… Video clips from a film of Marc Gould working and thinking.
Elemental… Video clips of Anders working on Lava Dogs and Dancers
and opening night at their first public exhibition.
KBCH… Video clips from three KBCH RadioTV episodes, fun with human nature.
Caretaker… Video clips of Anders contemplating migrating populations and….
Dirt… Video clips of PigMan and friends wallowing in “big deal” reality.
Animate… Video clips of Anders evolving animations, one step closer to his dream.

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