
Natural Jesrter.  Painting by Anders Tomlinson.  From After the Fires and Floods series.  24 inches by 18 inches - acrylics on mixed media paper. ©2017 Anders Tomlinson, all rights reserved.
Natural Jesters Know it All

Actions-Reactions. Painting by Anders Tomlinson. From After the Fires and Floods series. 24 inches by 18 inches - acrylics on mixed media paper. ©2017 Anders Tomlinson, all rights reserved.
Actions Foster Reactions

Re-emergence.  Painting by Anders Tomlinson.  From After the Fires and Floods series.  24 inches by 18 inches - acrylics on mixed media paper. ©2017 Anders Tomlinson, all rights reserved.
Re-emergence Deja Vu

Running World.  Painting by Anders Tomlinson.  From After the Fires and Floods series.  24 inches by 18 inches - acrylics on mixed media paper. ©2017 Anders Tomlinson, all rights reserved.
Running Over World Wide

Rising Organics.  Painting by Anders Tomlinson.  From After the Fires and Floods series.  24 inches by 18 inches - acrylics on mixed media paper. ©2017 Anders Tomlinson, all rights reserved.
Rising Organics Raise All

Ascending Evolution.  Painting by Anders Tomlinson.  From After the Fires and Floods series.  24 inches by 18 inches - acrylics on mixed media paper. ©2017 Anders Tomlinson, all rights reserved.
Ascending Evolutions Free for All

Function Junction.  Painting by Anders Tomlinson.  From After the Fires and Floods series.  24 inches by 18 inches - acrylics on mixed media paper. ©2017 Anders Tomlinson, all rights reserved.
Functioning Junctions Overflow

Headwaters. Painting by Anders Tomlinson. From After the Fires and Floods series. 24 inches by 18 inches - acrylics on mixed media paper. ©2017 Anders Tomlinson, all rights reserved.
Headwaters Under a Yellow Planet

Rainbow Horizons.  Painting by Anders Tomlinson.  From After the Fires and Floods series.  24 inches by 18 inches - acrylics on mixed media paper. ©2017 Anders Tomlinson, all rights reserved.
Rainbow Horizons From Here to There

Lingering Poetics. Painting by Anders Tomlinson. From After the Fires and Floods series. 24 inches by 18 inches - acrylics on mixed media paper. ©2017 Anders Tomlinson, all rights reserved.
Lingering Poetics Lost and Found

Leftover Dunes.  Painting by Anders Tomlinson.  From After the Fires and Floods series.  24 inches by 18 inches - acrylics on mixed media paper. ©2017 Anders Tomlinson, all rights reserved.
Leftover Dunes Waiting to be Swept Away

Reconfiguring. Painting by Anders Tomlinson. From After the Fires and Floods series. 24 inches by 18 inches - acrylics on mixed media paper. ©2017 Anders Tomlinson, all rights reserved.
Reconfiguring Figuring and Other Symbols

Mutated Resurrection.  Painting by Anders Tomlinson.  From After the Fires and Floods series.  24 inches by 18 inches - acrylics on mixed media paper. ©2017 Anders Tomlinson, all rights reserved.
Mutated Resurrection And the Choir

Canyonlands reborn. Painting by Anders Tomlinson. From After the Fires and Floods series. 24 inches by 18 inches - acrylics on mixed media paper. ©2017 Anders Tomlinson, all rights reserved.
Reborn Canyonlands with new Borders

Levels. Painting by Anders Tomlinson. From After the Fires and Floods series. 24 inches by 18 inches - acrylics on mixed media paper. ©2017 Anders Tomlinson, all rights reserved.
Levels and Time Slip Away Quietly

Surface Shadow.  Painting by Anders Tomlinson.  From After the Fires and Floods series.  24 inches by 18 inches - acrylics on mixed media paper. ©2017 Anders Tomlinson, all rights reserved.
Surface Shadows and Distant Slumbers

©2017 Anders Tomlinson, all rights reserved.